Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Missing iPhone Features

OK, so it has been announced.  What is the new iPhone missing?
  1. Voice dialing - why is this missing?  It is a phone, right?  I can get a free cell phone that does this!
  2. Copy and paste - this might actually be #1 - how often have I tried to do a simple copy and paste on my iPhone, only to be disappointed...
  3. Video - I really liked being able to take short video clips with my Windows Mobile phone.  The iPhone is a video playing powerhouse, why not be able to capture, too?
  4. Global search - I'd love to be able to search everything - e-mail, contacts, etc.
  5. Voice Recording


Eric said...


I don't know about good copy and paste but I have seen video capture, voice dial, and global search in the hacked application list so I suspect all three of these will show up via third-party right around, oh, July 11th.

Not sure why these big misses from Apple (especially copy/paste!) but it goes to show that even the best developers make mistakes sometimes, huh?

Enjoy San Francisco!

Brian said...

I hope you are right, but I agree that Apple should have done it themselves. I've seen many-a-blog that pointed out these missing features, so Apple must know about them. It must be a conspiracy! ;-)

iphone 5 said...

There are now new features added to iPhone. You can always check online for details.