Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Subversion Hosting

I've been looking at hosting my Subversion repository somewhere other than my Mac.  Here's why:
  • my partner gets updates as soon as I make them, rather than waiting for when I have time to deliver a memory stick
  • I get my partners updates the same way
  • we can keep non-Xcode code and documents under revision control, too
  • other tools, e.g. issue tracking and wiki
  • its effectively an off-site backup of our stuff
After a bunch of searching through hosting sites listed on the Subversion site, I chose ProjectLocker's $30/year plan.  Lots of sites have free or close-to-fee hosting, but I liked ProjectLocker's alerts (e-mail, rss and twitter), unlimited monthly data transfers, and disk space.  They also, as many sites do, provide Trac, and uploading of an existing repository.  Seems like a good choice for a small team.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

any experiences with projectlocker yet?